When people talk about hormones, it’s often in relation to how they affect things like mood and energy levels, PMS symptoms, and libido. But the truth is, these vital chemical messengers can have a profound effect on your skin, too.
ESTROGEN: Estrogen is key for the normal functioning of the skin. It is associated with collagen production, increased skin thickness, increased hyaluronic acid production, improved skin barrier function, maintaining skin hydration, and improved wound healing.
PROGESTERONE: The effect of progesterone on the skin is less well defined, but, it’s thought to contribute to skin elasticity, pigmentation, and the increased circulation and sebaceous gland activity that is observed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
ANDROGENS: These hormones, including testosterone, are produced in small amounts by the female body and play a role in oil gland production. When hormones are imbalanced androgens may also contribute to unwanted facial hair growth.