You know your hormones are going to be working hard during labor but you might not know exactly what they’re doing. You’ll in fact have four major hormonal systems active when you’re in labor and giving birth.
What are these hormones and what impact will they have on you?
- Oxytocin (the love hormone): Oxytocin will make you feel more affectionate and selfless, and its main function in labor is to bring on contractions.
- Beta-endorphins (the hormones of pleasure and transcendence): Beta-endorphins reduce pain and suppress the immune system, which is important so that it doesn’t act ‘against’ your baby.
- Epinephrine and norepinephrine (the hormones of excitement): In the late-labor stage if you perceive danger or stress, they may stimulate contractions so you give birth more quickly.
- Prolactin (the mothering hormone): Prolactin is the mothering hormone. And it's the major hormone for breastfeeding.