An unfortunate reality of pregnancy is that all that baby weight pushing down upon our organs can cause discomfort down there. Most moms usually experience hemorrhoids postpartum, but for some moms, it can begin during the second or third trimesters. Here are some tips for treating hemorrhoids:
Eat and drink well. Try to keep your bowel movements soft and regular by drinking lots of water and eating well.
Grab an over-the-counter remedy. Hemoclin is an over-the-counter remedy available at most pharmacies and drug stores as well as online.
Try witch hazel pads. Witch hazel has astringent and cooling properties. Soak several cotton pads with witch hazel and apply to your hemorrhoids several times daily.
Take a sitz bath. Keeping your perineal area clean after childbirth is very important and can help with managing hemorrhoids.
Don't stay still for too long. Changing position can also help with hemorrhoids by improving your circulation.