The first few weeks of parenthood can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to taking care of a newborn. While every baby is unique, there are some tips, tricks, and hacks that can help you navigate this phase with confidence.
One of the most important things you can do during the first night/day with your baby is to try to get as much sleep as possible. This may be easier said than done, but try to take naps when your baby is sleeping and enlist the help of a partner, family member, or friend to take care of the baby for a few hours.
Learning to recognize your baby's cues is also essential during this phase. Your baby will have different ways of expressing hunger, discomfort, and sleepiness. Some common cues to look out for include rooting or sucking motions, crying or fussiness, and rubbing their eyes or yawning.
Gas drops can also be a lifesaver during the newborn phase. Many babies experience gas or colic, which can be painful and distressing. Keeping some gas drops handy can help relieve your baby's discomfort and make them feel more comfortable.
When it comes to dressing your newborn, opt for zip-up pajamas during the first few weeks. These are easier to put on and take off than onesies and can make diaper changes less of a hassle.
It's also important to remember that you don't have to do everything on your own. Divide up your workload with your partner or ask for help from family and friends. Don't be afraid to say yes when someone offers to bring over a meal or watch the baby for a few hours.
Finally, white noise can be a game-changer when it comes to soothing your baby to sleep. You can use a white noise machine or app, or simply turn on a fan or vacuum cleaner to create a calming background noise that can help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.