Estrogen is a hormone that is important for sexual and reproductive development, mainly in women, although men do produce in smaller quantities. Manufactured from cholesterol by a woman’s ovaries each month, estrogen circulates in the blood, passes easily in and out of all organs and tissues, and is eventually metabolized. And there are 3 major types of estrogen that are naturally produced by the body:
Estrone: The main form of estrogen produced during menopause. Produced mainly in your liver and fat cells.
Estradiol: The major estrogen made in the ovaries. This hormone is known to play a huge role in energy, sleeping, pleasure, sex drive, and healthy bones, skin, & hair.
Estriol: Made in the liver and breast cells. Also, primarily made by the placenta during pregnancy.
If you have any questions about estrogen levels book an appointment with Dr. Leveno!