Despite being a synthetic version of a hormone that your body already makes, the drug Pitocin and the natural hormone oxytocin do different things to the body throughout labor and delivery.
Instead of entering your body in a pulsing way like oxytocin, Pitocin is given through an IV. When you are in labor naturally, your body responds to the contractions and oxytocin with the release of endorphins, a morphine-like substance that helps prevent and counteract the pain of childbirth.
Cervical Dilation and Timing
Pitocin works much more slowly and with less effect than natural oxytocin when it comes to cervical dilation. This means that it takes more Pitocin than it would natural oxytocin for your labor to progress to the birth stage.
Post-Birth Bonding and Breastfeeding
When the body releases oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone," it promotes bonding with the baby after birth. Because Pitocin interferes with the natural, internal release of oxytocin, it can disturb the bonding process.