When you’re in the final stages of pregnancy, contractions are like your body’s alarm clock, alerting you that you’re in labor. Sometimes, though, contractions can sound a false alarm. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions!
Braxton-Hicks: Start as early as the second trimester, but more often in the third trimester.
Labor Contractions: After your 37th week of pregnancy.
Braxton-Hicks: From time to time, in no regular pattern.
Labor Contractions: At regular intervals, getting closer and closer together in time.
Braxton-Hicks: From less than 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
Labor Contractions: From 30 to 70 seconds.
Braxton-Hicks: Like a tightening or squeezing, but not usually painful.
Labor Contractions: Like a tightening or cramping that comes in waves, starting in the back and moving to the front, getting more intense and painful over time.